Work Space Analysis with Kristina Maxwell

An ergonomic assessment (work space assessment) is an evaluation of the work space and its furnishings, tools, and tasks in relation to the worker. The purpose of the assessment is to identify and report any risk factors for musculoskeletal injury. The definition of ergonomics is arranging and studying things people use to derive efficient and safe conditions that produce the best results. 

The evaluator provides recommendations for modified design and practice and makes appropriate changes as necessary. An assessment can help to reduce injuries, improve well-being and productivity, and morale of employees. 

Common workplace injuries include carpal tunnel syndrome, tennis elbow, neck pain, and low back pain. 

A work space assessment done by a physiotherapist would be partially covered by most insurances (with or without referral depending on the plan). 

Contact Kristina Maxwell at Align Wellness Studio. Email, call 640 5050 or whatsapp 923 5050.

$150 per work space or $120 per work space for an office of 10 or more employees.



Eamon Wilson