December 2018
By Kristina Maxwell


‘Tis the season to be overindulgent.

While the holidays are a great time to spend with loved ones and treat yourself a bit, it’s important to still be good to your body so that you’re not filled with New Year’s guilt.

Here are some easy ways to stay on track this holiday season:

Set aside some time to stay active. Though it’s easier said than done, even just going for an evening walk can be extremely beneficial. Keeping up with some form of exercise routine, as small or insignificant as it may seem, can help to relieve holiday stress and offset weight gain.

Avoid skipping meals. It’s common practice during the holidays to skip meals to “offset” overeating. This usually ends up backfiring and often results in extreme temptation and resulting overindulgence. Eating a light, healthy snack such as veggies and hummus prior to heading to a holiday party can help curb appetites.

Try to bake less. If you’re a baker, channeling your creative abilities into another do-it-yourself project will help take the focus off of food. Try making something non-edible as a gift, plan games/activities or volunteer with family and friends.

Put a healthy spin on traditional recipes. You can still enjoy your holiday favourites, but in a “lighter” way by making a few easy switches. The potatoes in mashed potatoes can be substituted with cauliflower. Wholewheat bread can be used in stuffing instead of white. Low-fat milk can be used instead of cream for savoury dishes and desserts alike. Applesauce and coconut oil can be used in desserts in place of butter and vegetable oil.

Don’t try to lose weight. Don’t set yourself up for failure by trying to slim down over the holidays. Focus on maintaining and don’t set too many limits on yourself.

To find out more about how to achieve your rehabilitation goals, contact a healthcare professional
at Align.

Kristina Maxwell is a doctor of physiotherapy at Align, a wellness studio with an integrated approach to physical rehabilitative treatments and preventative care.

Eamon Wilson